Thursday, August 28, 2014

things to know for quiz

Geography-the study of distribution and human features on earth.
Absolute location- the exact place were you are
Relative location- a place were you are based on being around features of land
Prime meridian-
Cartographer- A person that works on maps or globes

You need to know the 5 THEMES with descriptions and examples
region, place, movement, human environment interaction, location
Discuss three types of region
How place is different from location
Why  do geographers study human-environment interaction?
Three types of maps with descriptions of each. qualitative cartogram and flow line
What is GIS?

Know answers to study questions on page 24
Reviewing Places and Terms 11-20
Main Ideas 1-10

Monday, August 25, 2014

Today we will look at a video on how to take Cornell Notes.

Then in groups you will read chapter 1 section 2 taking Cornell Notes as you read.  These notes will be for a grade.

Homework: Page 24 - Reviewing Terms and Places 11-20 and Main Ideas 1-10.

Today's Objective: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of maps and globes and identify three types of maps.