Wednesday, November 19, 2014

1)   What crop did settlers first grow in Brazil and what effect did it have on the makeup of the population? Sugar cane, It brought in an increase on slaves because they learned it required a lot of workers to produce it.

2)   How do Brazil’s rivers contribute to its wealth?
hydro electric power and factories.

3)   How large is Brazil’s economic power?
7th because of it hosting olympics and world cup

4)   What is Brazil’s religion and language?
Catholic and Portuguese, rest of south America is Spanish

5)   What have been some obstacles to democratic government in South America?

6)   What is South America’s greatest economic success story (other than Brazil)?

7)   Who were the Inca?
A native group centered some where around Peru. Capable for good road systems and big buildings.

8)   What major groups blended into the area of the Caribbean?
Africans, being used for slavery. also Europeans and native people 

9)   What are some major sources of income in the economies of Central America and the Caribbean? Tourism, coal, gold, silver, and different types of trade

10)                   What are some forms of music that have evolved in the region of the Caribbean?
                   Tourism, coal, gold, silver, and different types of trade. Regae music 

11)                   Why is the Panama Canal important?  How did it come into existence?
                   Ships can go through the united states instead of around. America helped it start a revolution and soon Panama became independent.

12)                   What is the largest city in Mexico?  In South America?  In the World?
                    Mexico city, over twenty million, Say palo, Tokyo

13)                   What is the most important part of Mexico’s economy today?

14)                   How have the Andes Mountains affected settlement in South America?
                   Pushes people to live on east coast because of the multiple mountains on west.

15)                   Why is the Amazon river important?
                    It moves more water than the seven largest rivers combined.

16)                  What two countries does the Orinoco River drain?
                  Venezuala and Columbia.

17)                  What is the dominant vegetation of the Amazon river basin?
                   Rain forests

18)                   What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism to the South American community?
      A lot of the money that goes into South America doesn't stay there soon leading to a large difference in poverty and rich.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

1) ITs made more of the population live on the east coast.
2) agriculture, farming, and live stock
3) The Bahamas, and the lesser/greater Antilles
4) Triniad and tobogo has a natural gas which helps bring developers
5) Columbia, Brazil, and Argentina
6) There are a lot of mountains that grow in the east coast, so most agriculture is found there.
7) Desert, Desert shrubs, and tropical grass lands.
8) the soil becomes exhausted from the process allowing crops to not grow.
9) cities have better medical care, paying jobs, and education.
10) what ever money the tourists waste just get sent back to other regions or countries instead of the place were it was wasted.