Monday, January 26, 2015

outline chapter 13 sec 2

western europe

1) A history of cultural divisions
France and Germany are the dominant countries of western Europe, (largest, have been best access to resources, ports and trade routes) other countries include Austria, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Belgium.
         1) Roman empire had conquered ceelecs tribes in France by 50 BC
         2) French is one of the most Roman languages evolved from latin
         3) in the 700th Charlamange a german king conquered most of the region
         4) his empire fell apart after his death
      1) Reformation was a religious movement during the renaissance when people questioned the church
      2) in 1517 Martin luther published 95 amendments that criticized church
      3) christians broke away from the catholic church and started protestant churches.
      4) hostility between the two led to a religious war that tore Europe apart.
      5)nFrance is primarily catholic and Germany is primarily predestinate

 II) the rise of nation states
  between the fall of Rome and the rennasance, a period known as the middle ages, Europeans developed the nation state, an independent nation containing common culture.

    A) nationalism
      1) After Roe fell Feudalism developed, feudalism is a political system in which locals controlled most of the land
      2) over time strong kings gained power over locals and nationalism arrived. nationalism is the belief that people should be loyalty there nation.
      3)France was one of the first nation states. 1st kings held absolute power. in 1789 people began a rebellion during the french revolution. later napoleon seized power and started to control europe
      4) From 1600 to 1945 wars broke out frequently between France, Austria, and Germany.
       5) Germany united in 1872

     B) Modern conflicts
       1) competition for colonies led to ww1
       2) the harsh terms imposed on Germany after the war led to the start of ww2
       3) During ww2 hitler and nazies led the german army
       4) the nazies carried out the holocaust, a mass murdering on 2 thirds the jews
       5)After the war Germany was split in two, west german non communist and east was communist by the soviet union.
      6) in 1989 anti communist reforms swept europe and in response to protests east germany opened the Berlin wall
      7) to end the rivalry between them germany and franced leaders in establishing European soviet.
    III) Economics, diversity, and luxury
       A) Agriculture to high tech
       1) farming and livestock important in belgum france the nether lands and sweeden
       2) France is the highest produce in western Europe
       3) France, germany and the netherlnds are three of Europes top manufacturing companies.
       4) Germany and the netherlands are important produces of electronics
       5) Germany also produces scientific equipment
       6) switserland is good at the banking industry.

       b) Tourism and luxury
       1) due to scenery, climate and historic sites, tourism in western Europe is popular and important part of french swiss and Austrien economy.
       2) Western Europe also experts luxury goods.
      IV) Great music and art
 A) Music
 1) German and Austria are famous for music
 2) Some German manuscript composers include Bach and Beethoven
 3) Austrian composers, Mozart

B) painting.
1) Jan Van eyck a painter from Flanders( region that is divided among France, netherlands, and belgium)
2) they perfected oil paintings
3) major french painters Claude Monet, paul cezzane and Paul gauguin.

V) modern life

A) city life
Good transportation systems
ii. Crime is lower here than in the U.S.
iii. More social than Americans
iv. Receive more paid vacation time

B) rescent conflicts
i. Race came into question when Germany denied jobs to ‘guest workers’ from Turkey
ii. Joerg Haider made comments supporting the Nazis, and had to step down from politics

France and Germany used to fight each other a lot since of them both wanting different languages/religions. Also each region makes a large living off what they sell. Germany its cars,  while swiss is watches. lastly the roman empire managed to start the united nations.

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