Tuesday, February 3, 2015

ch 13 sec-3

I) Seafairing conquerers

A)Early conquerers
i) Most of the people settled in Northern Europe.
ii) Ancient Britain used to be invaded a lot by many people
iii)  In 795 a group of sea fairing warriors from Denmark, Norway and Sweeden terrorized Europe.
iv) in 1066 William the conquer of Normandy took over Europe and ruled it.
v) Later Normans spoke french and over time english language.
B) dreams of Empire
i) Denmark, Sweeden, and Norway each became kingdom during the 900s
ii) Sweeden was the most powerful but no nordic country was a superpower.
iii) England took control over its neighbors, Wales, Ireland, and scotland, by 1800s they all became the united kingdom.

II) moving into modern age
i)  Britain helped develop representative government and started the industrial revolution.

A) representative government
i) Britain is a Monarchy that also has a parliament
ii) Parlament is a representative lawmaking body whose members are elected or appointed
iii) Nordric countries have the oldest parliament that started since 930
B) Industrial revolution
i) Britain started it by having deposits of iron ore and coal.
ii) This industry helped britian expand there empire.
iii) Soon the revolution spread to Germany, France, Belgium, and the united states.
iv) magna carter was a document that put nobles below the law.
C) Since 1900
i) Britain played a great role in both World wars, fighting as one of the victorious Allies.
ii) After ww2 most of the british colonies gained independence.

III) Economics diversity and change

A) industry and resources
i) Sweeden and united kingdom are same when it comes to manufacturing, like motor vehicles and aero space industries.
ii) both also produce pharmaceutical, food, and paper products.
iii) Sweeden exports timber, iceland with fishing, and norway from north sea ocean.
B) high-tech
i) Irelands economy is making a major advanced in technology like computer software
ii) a section between Scotland and Glasgow is known as silicon glen because it has so many high tech companies.
iii) Now Scotlands economy depends on service industries.
i) almost all of the nations have joined the EU except Norway
ii) a common currency made in Europe is the Euro.
iii)Denmark tried to achieve its own currency but failed.

IV) Cultural similarities and modern art

A) similar languages and religions
i) most of them speak germanic languages
ii) the reformation swept through Europe and turned most of them into protestant.
B) Arts
i) theres a Norwegian playwright called Henrik Ibsen that is called father of modern drama

V) Life in Northern Europe
A) Social welfare
i) Northern Europe has universal healthcare
B) Distinctive customs
i) Brits are known for afternoon tea
ii) Finns are known for there saunas
C) Leisure
i) Brits enjoy horse back riding and Fox hunting
ii) They made rugby and cricket.
In the beginning a group of vikings found and terrorized northern Europe. it ended when the conqueror William came and took over Normandy. Britain was responsible for the industrial revolution. Soon a reformation came and turned most of Northern Europe Protestant.

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