Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ch 15 section 3

The Shrinkng Aral Sea
a) between 1960and the present, the aril sea lost about 80 percent of its water.

A disappearing lake
a) the aril sea receives its water from the amu darya and the syr darya rivers
b) it loses most of its water by irrigating cotton fields.

Effects of agriculture
a) Agriculture practice is a problem because cotton growers use pesticides
b) runoff= rain fall not absorbed by the soil that runs into the stream and rivers.
c) of the 24 species of fish once found in the seas none are left now
d) retreating water led to pesticides and salt being free and then picked up by windstorms which harm  near by populations

saving the aril
a) to save the lake you would have to remove 9 out of the 18 million acres surrounding it.

The Russian Winter
Coping in siberia
a) more than 32 million people make there home in Siberia
b) temparatures have ranged from minus 90 to 94 in summer--- a span of 184 degrees
c) After the winter almost huge clouds of bugs come into the summer and attack the civilians
d) another problem is that the grounds start to unfreeze and sink taking any building or structures with them.
Crosssing the wild west
a) trans siberian railroad, used to make transport safer and easier for travel in siberia and wild west.

An enormous project
a) built a railroad that crosses 5,700 miles of land
b) had to clear almst 100,000 acres of forest to make the project

resource wealth in siberia
a) used the railroad to increase population and get more resources
b) by 1914 there was almost five million settler/farmers who lived in siberia.
c) made a lot of profit from discovered coal and iron ore deposits.

despite the aril sea depleting slowly due to cotton fields the people are still living there using what ever resources they can. Siberia how ever seems to be growing quite nicely with the creation of an extensive rail system. Now siberia has a great economy despite the wealth being a set back.

1) List three important cities that are located in the Northern European Plain.
Klev, Saint petersburg, and Moscow
2) What percentage of the region's population lives in this plain?
3) What border do the Caucasus Mountains form? 
Russia and transcaucasia 
4) What are the two largest lakes in Central Asia?
aral and caspian seas
5) How long is the Volga River?
2,300 miles long
6) Why is Lake Baikal important?
it contains 20% of the worlds freshest water
7) What are some of the resources that have been developed in Russia and the Republics?
iron, coal, timber, natural gases
8) Why might extracting and transporting the region's resources be difficult?
Its cruel climate makes transporting goods difficult, also the permafrost makes it a challenge to get oils.

1) What percentage of water has the Aral Sea lost?
2) Why has this water been lost?
water was being taken for irrigating the cotton fields
3) What other environmental problems affect the area?
 pesticides and chemicals from cotton growers that get carried away towards the lakes.
4) What would have to be done to keep the lake at its present level?
limit the amount of chemicals allowed and try to at least move the cotton farms further away from lakes.
5) What did you learn about Lake Biakal from the video?
its become a pure water supply thats trying to be protected from large tourisms, rich russians, and chemicals from a plant near it. but it is home to a land of seals and other wild life.
6) In the city of Verkhoyansk what extreme temperatures have been recorded?
-94 in winter too 90 in summer 184 temp span
7) How did Russia's harsh winter help the country in the 1800s (and during WWII)?
it was so cold that the invading forces couldn't stand the temperature resulting in a retreat
8) What made the building of the Trans-Siberian Railroad an enormous undertaking?
its about 5,700 miles and crosses 7 time zones
9) Research and find a major city in Siberia.  What is its population and major attractions? 
Krasnoyarsk, 1,035,528 people
atttractions Krasnoyarsk museum holding close to 480,000 items. Also has a national preserve.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - good notes and answers. But, make sure you're have a title that lets me know you're jamming all your work together.
