Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ch 16 section 1

History of expansion
Birth of an empire
1) Russia state was started between the Black and Baltic sea's
2) Russia was under raids by mongols until Ivan the great came and stopped them
3) The empire was soon able to expand and allow more people and cultures
Russia lags behind Western Europe
1) As Russia expanded it forgot to expand and develop in technology and science
2) peter the great tried changing this by moving capitol to St. petersburg
3) industrialization resulted in cruel conditions and poor pay which made every one angry at emperor czar
Rise and fall of Soviet union
1) during ww1 people revolted again czar and turned communism while being led by V.I Lennin
2) Soviet union left Moscow after that
3) cold war started due to US and USSR tension
4) Mikhali Goberchev ended cold war and communism and gave political and economic freedom

Building a command economy
An economic dream
1) people followed karl marx and it led to shared wealth and homes
A harsh reality
1) central government makes all important economic decisions
2) the government also decides what factories produce
3) Collective Farms - large teams of laborers would work together, it also  confirmed power over the countryside

A rich culture 
ethnicity and religion 
1) Russians make up 80% of Russia's population but 70 other groups of people live there too. 
Artistic genious
1) the golden age began when people mixed artistic ideas with others from the west.
2) Authors such as Aleksandr Pushkin and Feodor Dostoyevsky created dramatic scenes 
3) Socialist Realism promoted Soviet ideas 
Tradition and change in Russian life
more open society 
1) you can get movies, food, clothes, from all over
2) Russian Tradition still lives on, through food and other cultural ideas 
Dachas and Banyas
1) 30% own home in country for sum   mer
2)Banya - bathhouse with a dry sauna, steam bath, and a plunge into icy water
Russia started out small but then slowly started growing under a viking rule. Its economy started out bad due to government. Now its slowly trying to better its self and is becoming more open to ideas.

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